Focus On Involvement

Experts by Experience  
Improving health and social care learning through user involvement 

We as members of Focus On Involvement use our experiences as service users and carers to provide students with lived knowledge, which can help them to develop greater understanding and insight of living with illness, disability, mental illness and caring for others. The professional courses currently benefitting from our  individual knowledge are nursing, social work, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, radiotherapy, dietetics and medicine.  We have a diverse group of over 120 individuals with a vast range of experience in health and social care services, who support five universities with eight types of professional academic courses. The vast majority of our members are able to contribute online 

We assist universities to develop interesting and effective ways of involvement to enhance the student learning experience and to meet the required standards for education and training set by the regulatory bodies, while ensuring service users and carers views are heard.  Our members support universities in activities including teaching, role play, simulation, assessment, interviewing course applicants, interviewing university academics, and participating in course design and evaluation.

Students feedback that they benefit greatly from the involvement with our experts by gaining a greater sense of reality concerning their chosen profession.  Similarly, our members experience a sense of satisfaction that they are helping to influence the professionals of the future, it is rewarding to feel they are giving back to the services in return for the care and treatment they have received.

Members Information

Newsletter .docx

Celebrating World Social Day 2021

‘What Social Work Means to me’ in art and text. People with lived experience have contributed to this and it was put together by David McCollom from Focus on Involvement for the University of Chester. 

Free virtual online event MindTech2020.docx
Message from Senior Management at Chester University.docx